Why is JSON Deserialization so Important to Developers?

Recently I have been working on a RESTful interface for a Web 2.0 project that I will be releasing very soon. And one of the »

Force MVC Route URL to Lowercase

So one of my pet peeves in web development is mixed case URL's. And I usually make sure that all my URL's in my personal projects »

ASP.NET MVC: Securing Your Controller Actions (The .NET Framework Way)

So I just read Rob Conery's blog post on Securing Your Controller Actions in MVC. I was a little perplexed about why guys at Microsoft love »

ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 CAPTCHA using ActionFilterAttribute

My last article on ASP.NET MVC CAPTCHA was very well received by many of my readers and it even caught the eye of the DotNetKicks »

Singularity Source Code Released to CodePlex

Just saw on OSNews that Microsoft Research has just released the Singularity Source Code on CodePlex. Microsoft has released source code from the Singularity research project »


Note: Most recent update for MVC Release Candidate 3 is out. So my MVC application that I have been working on required a CAPTCHA today. The »