Introducing Idea Pipe

I have been working on this new social networking website that is based around the collaboration and sharing of ideas. I have talked about this project in the past, in very vague details, but today I have decided to open the curtains and give everybody a look.

Currently there are a couple websites out there that are doing the same thing, but in a more focused way for their specific business. One of the examples of these focused websites for sharing of ideas is Dell Idea Storm. In the case of Dell each of the users go to their website and submit ideas on how they can improve Dell's products. The platform has worked really well for Dell, they seem to be getting a positive response from their community of users. It has led to them introducing a couple of products that they probably wouldn't have, such as Ubuntu as an alternate to Microsoft Windows, if there wasn't such an overwhelming support for this install option.

Idea Pipe was born about 7 months ago, when I realized that this type of platform would be useful to businesses, projects, and people of all shapes and sizes. Especially the ones that wouldn't be able to pay the Tax. Idea Pipe has actually been released for about a month now, however I was waiting to announce it officially until we had support for groups. Groups are a way that anybody, with an Idea Pipe account, can create their own personalized Idea Pipe, that provides all the same features and functionality as Dell's Idea Storm, but at no charge to the group owners.

To kick off this announcement I created a group so that my readers can share and collaborate on ideas for me to post about in the future, on this blog, that will interest you my readers:

This site is still new and like any new site you will probably have suggestions on how to improve the site or the architecture, so please submit them to:

If you happen to find any bugs, please send them to [email protected].

Nick Berardi

In charge of Cloud Drive Desktop at @Amazon, Entrepreneur, Microsoft MVP, ASPInsider, co-founder and CTO of @CaddioApp, Father, and @SeriouslyOpen host