Code Camp 2009.1 - Gooey GUI... Programming in Visual Studio

Here is my presentation from Code Camp 2009.1: You can download the software seen in this presentation at: Microsoft Visual Studio Express »

See everybody at Code Camp 2009.1 Tomorrow

I will be speaking at the Philly.NET Code Camp 2009.1 tomorrow. So if you read this blog, come up to me and say hi. »

What are your Visual Studio tips?

As I announced yesterday I will be speaking at the Philly Code Camp 2009.1 on Visual Studio 2008 for beginners.  As part of this presentation »

Speaking at Philly Code Camp 2009.1

I will be doing a presentation on Programming in Visual Studio in the Beginners track, which will start at 10:00 AM.  I expect to see »

Heading To Philly.NET Tonight

I am heading to Philly.NET tonight.  Julie Lerman is presenting the full meeting about the Entity Framework.  The meeting is broken in to two parts, »

My Philly.NET Presentation

This is very basic presentation on how Web 2.0 and MVC can work together.  The actual source code for this presentation is located at: http: »